Rewinding of the rotor of starter
As some of you might know, I was working as a technician for few years and I drove about 50 000 km per year. Everywhere I went I had burnt-rotor with me and wherever I found someone who repairs electric motors, I asked them for the repair. Many times I was refused and many times promised with the help, I also lost two rotors.
Finally, by chance, thanks to one dear customer, I found a man who rewinds rotors for me and he does it very well. However, to be able to guarantee his work, he requires the prior replacement of the commutator. Over the years, the use of a commutator is literally saturated with carbon dust and there is a danger of transient short-circuit. I succeeded to have made new commutators. Rewind of the rotor including new commutator costs CZK 7800. There is a 1 year warranty.
Unfortunately, not every rotor can be rewind. If the rotor rubbed on stator and the individual sheets are as shifted as it is not possible to return them back on their place, it is the end of the rotor. That is also one of the reasons why I do not offer rotor replacement.
The repairs of stators will be available soon.